How Effective is Digital Signage? 10 Statistics You Need to Know

How Effective is Digital Signage? 10 Statistics You Need to Know

The commercial landscape is increasingly competitive, and standing out to your customers is crucial. Business owners and marketers are continuously seeking strategies that increase their visibility and reach. A rising trend in this endeavor is the use of Digital Signage and LED Signs. Let's examine 10 compelling studies and statistics that underscore the effectiveness of these advanced advertising tools.

Here's a snapshot of the persuasive stats we'll explore in detail:

No. Fact Source
1 LED signs can increase business up to 150% Small Business Administration
2 LED signs cost only $0.15 per 1000 impressions Various
3 68% of customers are more likely to purchase a product influenced by digital signage Various
4 Offers displayed on a digital sign are claimed by more people than those on a static sign Various
5 80% of grocers experienced a 33% boost in sales after investing in digital signage Various
6 Digital signage encourages customers to browse the store for 30% longer Various
7 LED signs at Point of Sale leads to a 30% increase in sales of the advertised brands Various
8 Digital signage offers a return on investment (ROI) in just three months University of Cincinnati
9 86% of small business owners saw an increase in walk-in customers and sales after installing new signs Various
10 Signage is the second most useful source of new product information after television University of Cincinnati

1. How LED Signs Can Boost Your Business by 150%

The Small Business Administration affirms that businesses experience a increase of 15% to a dramatic increase of 150% in their revenue by leveraging LED signs. This impressive figure underscores the undeniable potency of LED signs as an advertising tool. It's not just about attracting attention, but also converting that attention into tangible results for your business. The SBA also concludes that digital signage is the "most effective, least expensive form of advertisement" 

2. Cost-effectiveness of Digital Signs

LED signs offer an unparalleled return on investment. With a cost of only $0.15 per 1000 impressions, they easily outpace many traditional advertising methods in terms of cost-effectiveness. This affordability enables businesses of all sizes to reach more customers without a significant increase in their marketing budget.

3. Influence of Electronic Signage on Customer Purchasing Behavior

The impact of digital signage goes beyond attracting customer attention; it can effectively drive purchasing decisions. In fact, 68% of customers state they are more likely to purchase a product influenced by digital signage. This suggests that strategically placed and well-designed digital signage can be a powerful motivator for consumers.

4. Digital vs. Static Signage: The Impact on Customer Response

When it comes to visibility and reach, digital signage takes the lead over static signage. Comparative studies show that offers displayed on a digital sign are claimed significantly more often than those displayed on a static sign. The dynamic nature of digital signs, coupled with their capacity for higher visibility, clearly resonates with consumers.

5. The Positive Impact of Digital Signage on Sales

Digital signage is not just beneficial for businesses offering products; it can be a game-changer for those in the service industry as well. For instance, after investing in digital signage, 80% of grocers reported a 33% boost in sales. This significant uptick in sales underscores the vital role digital signage plays in promoting products and influencing customer purchasing decisions.

6. Digital Signage: Enhancing the Customer Experience

Digital signage can also contribute to enhancing the overall customer experience in your store. Studies show that it encourages customers to browse through the store for 30% longer. This extended engagement time provides more opportunities for businesses to showcase their products or services, increasing the chances of a sale.

7. LED Signs at Point of Sale: Boosting Brand Sales

LED signs at the Point of Sale (POS) can lead to a remarkable 30% increase in sales of the advertised brands. This statistic points to the ability of LED signs to capture customers' attention at critical decision-making points, effectively promoting specific products and boosting sales.

8. Fast Return on Investment with Digital Signage

According to research conducted by the University of Cincinnati, digital signage can offer a return on investment (ROI) in just three months. This quick ROI, combined with the long-term benefits of increased customer engagement and sales, make digital signage a highly attractive marketing tool for businesses.

9. The Impact of New Signs on Walk-in Customers and Sales

The installation of new signs can have a profound impact on business success. A study found that 86% of small business owners saw an increase in walk-in customers and sales after installing new signs. New signs, particularly digital and LED signs, can rejuvenate a business's appearance, attract new customers, and increase overall sales.

10. The Role of Signage in Providing Product Information

In a study from the University of Cincinnati found that signage is the second most useful source of new product information, just after television. In an age dominated by digital and online marketing, this finding highlights the enduring effectiveness of physical signage in communicating product information to customers. Source: UC Research Finds that Consumers Rely on Signage over Other Ad Media

After understanding the power and effectiveness of digital signage and LED signs, it's time to consider investing in them for your business. Whether you're a small business, a large corporation, a church, school, or government office these advanced advertising tools can provide a significant boost to your visibility, customer engagement, and sales. Our financing options make it even easier to start leveraging the power of LED signs and digital signage. Learn more about our financing options here.

If you want to dive deeper into the world of signage, check out these related articles and resources:

Let the power of digital signage propel your business to new heights!


  1. What is digital signage?

    • Digital signage refers to digital technology used for displaying advertising or informational content. It leverages LED screens and other display technologies to communicate targeted messages to a specific audience.
  2. How effective is digital signage?

    • Digital signage has proven to be very effective for businesses. According to various studies, digital signage can boost sales, improve customer engagement, and provide a high return on investment. The effectiveness is often indicated through key metrics like increased walk-in customers and higher sales for advertised brands.
  3. Why should I choose LED signs for my business?

    • LED signs offer a multitude of benefits for businesses. They provide high brightness screens, wide viewing angles, and superior flexibility in content display. This, combined with their energy efficiency and long lifespan, makes them a cost-effective and impactful advertising solution.
  4. What is the return on investment for digital signage?

    • The return on investment for digital signage can be significant. One study from the University of Cincinnati reports that LED signs can offer a Return on Investment in just three months. Other studies suggest a sales boost of up to 30% for certain advertised brands.
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Ron Gither

Ron Gither

Ron Gither is the visionary force behind Best LED Signs. With over a decade of industry experience, Ron has dedicated his career to understanding the transformative potential of LED signs on small businesses and local communities. Prior to establishing Best LED Signs, Ron served as the Regional Sales Director for the southern United States, where he identified a need for change in the industry. Disheartened by inflated pricing and subpar products, Ron, along with his wife Maria, founded Best LED Signs in 2019, with a mission to make quality LED signage accessible and affordable. Today, their business continues to empower numerous organizations, helping them tap into the benefits of LED sign technology and drive substantial growth.

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