Everything You Need to Know About LED Signage

What are LED signs?

LED signs are electronic displays that are commonly seen in various industries such as restaurants, hotels, retail stores, and transportation hubs. These signs serve multiple purposes, including promoting brands, advertising products, providing directions, and facilitating customer interactions. They have become a popular medium of communication that reaches people during their daily activities, making them effective for enhancing the customer experience and driving sales.

How are LED signs being used in different industries?

LED signs have found diverse applications in different industries. In transportation, they are used at airports, train stations, and subways to inform travelers about schedules and also promote relevant products and services. In educational environments, LED displays replace traditional bulletin boards and printed calendars, providing students with important information and even playing a role in emergency alert systems. Restaurants utilize LED signs to streamline the ordering process and allow customers to interact with the display using their smartphones. Hotels make use of LED signs to provide guests with useful information about activities and services within the premises, as well as way-finding assistance.

What can I expect from an LED display?

Although the initial investment cost for LED signage may be high, there are numerous benefits that justify the expense. LED signs have been proven to be a cost-effective advertising method. For example, a car dealership investing in a programmable LED sign may experience a 5% increase in business, resulting in a monthly profit increase of $2,760. With this ROI, the initial investment can be covered in just 18 months. LED displays offer the potential for increased turnover, improved brand awareness, and additional revenue from third-party advertising. They can also engage and entertain customers while providing internal communication within organizations, and they excel in delivering public announcements.

How are LED signs different from other advertising forms?

Traditional advertising methods, such as print and television, can be expensive, wasteful, and lack guarantee of reaching the target market effectively. Internet advertising, though highly targeted, often gets lost in the noise of other ads or blocked by certain settings. LED signs, on the other hand, offer advantages such as their versatility to be embedded into various objects, interactivity through touch screens or mobile phone integration, and the ability to gather information for more personalized content. LED displays can also serve as additional revenue sources through third-party advertising.

What are the benefits of investing in LED displays?

Investing in LED displays can bring several benefits to businesses. They can significantly increase turnover by effectively promoting sales, discounts, and cross-sell messages. LED signs also enhance brand awareness, creating a positive customer experience and improving the perception of the brand. Furthermore, LED displays can be utilized for advertising, generating additional revenue from third parties. They provide entertainment and engage customers, making waiting times feel shorter. For internal communication, LED signs improve organizational processes and contribute to a more informed and efficient workforce. Additionally, LED displays are effective in delivering public announcements and time-sensitive information that cannot be ignored.

Are there any proven success statistics for digital signage?

Several studies have produced statistics that highlight the success of digital signage. For example, when compared to social media advertisements, electronic signs in public venues reach a larger audience. Survey results show that 71% of travelers find billboard advertisements more effective than online ads, and 46% consider them superior to television ads. Digital signs have proven to be 34% more effective in promoting specific items than traditional signage. LED sign boards placed at point-of-sale terminals have yielded a 31% increase in customers recalling a brand they were exposed to on these displays, leading to potential sales increases of up to 30%. Additionally, LED signage has been shown to decrease perceived waiting time by 35% and has been well-received by small business owners. LED Signage is also backed by the SBA and has been proven in studies to increase revenue by 15-150%.

What is the difference between indoor and outdoor LED signs?

Indoor LED signs are primarily used to enhance customer experiences, provide product information, offer way-finding assistance, and facilitate internal communication within organizations. On the other hand, outdoor LED signs, typically placed on busy roads and highways, are focused on advertising products, promotions, and creating brand awareness. There are three major technical differences between indoor and outdoor LED signs. Firstly, outdoor signs can have lower display resolution since they are intended to be viewed from a distance, whereas indoor signs require higher resolution for optimal picture quality. Secondly, outdoor signs need to account for bright sunlight, so they are manufactured to be brighter compared to indoor signs. Finally, outdoor signs require additional durability to withstand harsh weather conditions, while indoor signs are not exposed to such elements and do not require the same level of protection.

Types of LED screens available

When investing in an LED sign, it is important to consider the different options available. At LED Craft Inc, we offer a variety of LED signs for different industries and purposes. Some of the types of LED signs we provide include:

  1. Church Signs: LED signs specifically designed for churches to communicate messages and announcements to their congregation.
  2. Billboard Signs: Innovative digital billboard designs that allow you to reach thousands of people driving by every day.
  3. LED School Signs: LED signs for schools to display important information and announcements to students, parents, and staff.
  4. Fire Department Signs: LED signs for fire departments to communicate messages, fire safety tips, and emergency information to the community.
  5. Auto Dealer Signs: LED signs to display useful information, promotions, and vehicle features at auto dealerships, attracting potential customers.
  6. Restaurant Signs: LED signs with digitalized menu boards to enhance the dining experience and promote specials at restaurants.
  7. Shopping Centre LED Signs: Strategically placed LED signs in shopping centers to provide wayfinding, brand information, and store promotions.
  8. Combo Signs: Dual-purpose LED signs that improve brand image and offer energy efficiency with exceptional image quality.
  9. Monument Style Signs: Customized LED signs that turn your business sign into a landmark, attracting attention from passersby.
  10. Other Retail Signs: Cleverly designed LED signs to promote retail businesses and increase foot traffic to stores.
  11. LED Panels: LED panels for events that provide a sophisticated look and enhance the visual experience.
  12. Mobile LED Signs: LED signs mounted on vehicles, turning them into messaging devices and generating additional revenue.
  13. Stage Rental LED Signs: Large outdoor LED screens for stage shows, providing stunning visual effects and enhancing stage performances.
  14. Stadium LED Signs: Massive LED signs for stadiums, ensuring that the audience doesn't miss any action and providing top-notch visual performance.
  15. Video Walls: LED screens configured in a wall-like formation to create visually engaging displays.
  16. Transparent LED Wall Displays: LED displays installed on glass walls to provide information and promotional content while maintaining transparency.
  17. LED Gas Price Signs: Vibrantly designed LED signs for petrol stations to attract customers with competitive gas prices.

These LED signs come in various sizes and shapes to cater to different requirements. Contact us via phone or email to discuss your digital signage needs and find the best solution for your business.

Concerns before investing in digital signs

Before investing in digital signs, it is important to consider the following concerns:


Identify who your audience is, whether it's your employees, customers, visitors, or all of them. Understanding your audience will help you tailor your content and determine the ideal placement of your LED signs.

Communication goals

Determine the type of information you want to communicate. It could be current news and weather conditions, product and service information, internal communications, instructional messages, or a combination of these. Knowing your communication goals will help shape your content strategy.

Purpose of the solution

Identify the purpose of investing in digital signage. It could be to lower advertising costs, provide information or wayfinding, increase sales and turnover, enhance merchandising, improve customer experiences, or enhance your brand image. Clearly defining the purpose will guide your decision-making process.

Content strategy

Develop a clear content strategy for your LED signs. Consider what content you plan to display, who will manage the content, and how you will determine its appropriateness. Having a well-defined content strategy is crucial for the success of your digital signage investment.

Hardware and software requirements

Consider the physical location, size, resolution, and orientation of the LED display. Think about how the display will be mounted and connected to power. Evaluate the flexibility of the hardware and software to accommodate future needs and changes in content.

Flexibility of the campaign

Anticipate evolving consumer expectations and the need for flexibility in your campaign. Your content should be adaptable to changes in objectives and consumer demands. Consider the longevity of the software and the ability to update content frequently without changing the entire hardware platform.

By addressing these concerns, you can make an informed decision about investing in digital signs and ensure that they effectively meet your business needs.

How to Create Content for Your LED Sign

Creative content is the key to successful digital signage because this is what people see when they look at your LED sign. Hence, a well-thought-out, long-term content strategy is critical. Let's begin mapping this strategy by considering different types of content and various factors that influence its creation.

Types of Content

Content for LED signs can take the form of:

  • Slides: Easily created using programs like MS PowerPoint.
  • Pictures
  • Graphics: Logos, illustrations, icons, etc.
  • Animated Graphics: Modifying graphics to make them move.
  • 3D graphics: Facilities for 3D graphics that do not require special glasses are now available.
  • Video: LED signs are similar to television screens, so people expect to see videos.
  • Live Feeds: Live information from broadcasting networks can be streamed.
  • Database Content: Information such as event schedules, prices, stock availability, etc.

Quantity of Content

The amount of content you need depends on the:

  • Operating environment
  • Objectives
  • Budget

Consider the dwell time when establishing content strategies. Dwell time refers to how long a typical viewer spends with the content you display. For example, a health clinic's waiting area might show a content loop of about 10 minutes, considering the average wait time per patient is 15 minutes. On the other hand, an LED sign in a busy mall pathway might display a collection of images, each lasting for 5-7 seconds, considering the average attention span of a person walking by would be 15 seconds.

Also, take into account the frequency of visits. For instance, a gas station might have an average customer spending 3 minutes while getting their tank filled and visiting the station once a week. In this case, it is advisable to have a 3-minute content loop on the LED gas price signs, changing the loop once every five days.

Additional Content Factors

Keep in mind the following additional factors when creating LED sign content:

  • Less is more: Your audience should interpret your message as quickly as possible.
  • Catch attention: Find ways to display your content to guarantee that viewers notice your message at least 2-3 times.
  • Vary timings: When creating extended loops, vary the timings of the segments and mix them into one loop.
  • Content for different purposes: Drive sales, inform/educate, entertain, or create ambience. Each purpose requires specific content strategies and timings.

Catering Content to Your Audience

To effectively cater LED sign content to your audience, consider factors such as:

  • Age: The pacing and style of content will differ for older audiences compared to younger ones.
  • Gender: Create content that targets both males and females according to their preferences.
  • State of mind: Adapt your content to whether your audience is relaxed (e.g., standing in a long queue) or focused on getting somewhere (e.g., catching a train).

Scheduling your content based on your target market is also important. For example:

  • A restaurant might learn that their daytime customers are older than those during the night.
  • A bank may discover that on Fridays, most customers visit to cash paychecks.
  • A retailer may have different brick-and-mortar stores catering to different demographic audiences.

Creating and Developing Content

There are two prominent ways to create and develop LED sign content:

  1. In-house: Some organizations have the relevant expertise in their existing staff to create LED sign content. Staff members with photography hobbies can take professional photos of products, while those knowledgeable in graphic design software like Adobe Photoshop can edit the photographs and create advertisements.
  2. Outsourcing: If another company handles your advertising, you can consult them for help with your electronic sign content, but only after establishing your key objectives.

Remember, people have been seeing screens in public places for a long time. Therefore, it's important to avoid sending the wrong message by displaying beginner-level content. Create a mix of engaging content to keep customers excited and interested!

Managing and Scheduling Content for LED Displays

Once the content is created, it's important to effectively manage and schedule it for LED displays. This involves considering factors like the simultaneous display of content on all LED displays, the frequency of content playback, and the management of interactive digital content.

To handle these tasks efficiently, Content Management Systems (CMS) software is available. A CMS provides various functions such as adding content, organizing it into libraries, and sending it to LED displays. This software simplifies the process of scheduling content and ensures it is played according to specific requirements. All signs from Best LED Signs include a easy to use CMS with video tutorials online. We also offer tech support for the life of your sign to walk you through any issues you may have.

Software Requirements for Content Creation and Management

Content creation can be done with user-friendly software programs that enable drag-and-drop functionality. These advanced tools generate playlists and schedule content based on specific needs. This flexibility allows sign owners to display different content throughout the day or even based on changing circumstances, such as weather conditions.

Keeping content up-to-date is crucial for billboards displaying news, schedules, timetables, and weather updates. With internet connectivity and innovative software, sign owners can easily update signs, change playlists, and ensure their content is current.

In the context of businesses using LED signs, the software provided is both user-friendly and sophisticated. It allows for the customization of screen contents, integration of interactive features, and easy management of digital signage.

Creating Attractive Digital Content

When designing content for digital billboards, it's important to keep in mind that viewers have a limited amount of time to absorb the information displayed – typically around 7-10 seconds. Therefore, it is crucial to make the content visually appealing and easily consumable at a glance.

To achieve this, follow these principles of visual creativity:

  1. Composition: Define the layout and hierarchy of your content. Prioritize important information by placing it higher in the hierarchy. Display information in a logical order, both horizontally and vertically. Avoid overlapping visual and written information, as it can confuse and overwhelm viewers.
  2. Simplicity and Boldness: Keep your content simple and bold so that it stands out to viewers. Avoid cluttering the display with excessive text or graphics. Use eye-catching colors and fonts that are easy to read from a distance.
  3. Brevity: Convey your message concisely within the limited viewing time. Keep text to a minimum and use visuals to enhance understanding. Focus on the key message or call to action you want to convey.
  4. Legibility: Ensure that the content is easily readable. Use appropriate font sizes, contrasting colors that improve visibility, and choose fonts that are clear and legible.

By applying these principles, you can create visually appealing and effective digital content that grabs the attention of viewers and conveys your message efficiently.

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