How to Get a Billboard Permit for Your Outdoor LED Sign

How to Get a Billboard Permit for Your Digital Billboard

Billboards are a powerful form of advertising that captivates large audiences. If you're considering advertising via digital billboards, you must first understand how to secure a billboard permit. Let's dive into the process:

Research Your Planned Location's Requirements

Before you start the application process, familiarize yourself with the local laws and regulations of your chosen location. Each location has unique requirements and restrictions concerning digital signs and digital outdoor billboards. Check out our Buyer's Guide for more information on this process.

Detail Your Digital Billboard Project

Compile comprehensive information about your project. Include details about the size of the billboard, whether it's a digital sign/led sign or another form of billboard, and the specifics of its operation. Providing renderings, product drawings, traffic data, and light study reports will help the planning board understand your proposal.

Open to Feedback

Part of this process involves being open to feedback from town/city officials, residents, and fellow business owners. Should you receive suggestions for changes, adapt your proposal accordingly.

Apply for the Billboard Permit

With the necessary information at hand and the final plan ready, it's time to apply for a billboard permit. Submit the application to your local planning department along with the required fees.

Await Approval for Your Outdoor Digital Billboard

After you've submitted your application, the waiting game begins. Approval times vary based on the location and complexity of your proposal.

In Conclusion

Securing an outdoor digital billboard permit requires thorough research, careful planning, and patience. By following these steps, you'll navigate the process more smoothly and increase your chances of approval.

For more insights, visit our blog post The Best Digital Signs for Outdoors, and see why LED signage is the optimal choice for billboard advertising.


  1. What is the first step to getting a billboard permit? The first step to getting a billboard permit is to research the requirements for your planned location. Each city or town has its own specific regulations regarding billboards, so it's important to understand these before beginning the permit application process.

  2. What kind of information do I need to gather for my permit application? For your permit application, you should gather specific details about your project. This includes how your billboard will be built and operated, renderings, product drawings, traffic data, and potentially a light study.

  3. How long does it take to get a billboard permit? The length of time it takes to get a billboard permit can vary greatly depending on the location and the complexity of your proposal. It can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months, so patience is key.

  4. How do I apply for a billboard permit? To apply for a billboard permit, you need to submit your application to your local planning department. This typically involves filling out a form and paying any required fees.

  5. How to start a billboard advertising company? Starting a billboard advertising company involves several steps. First, you need to establish a business plan and secure funding. Then, obtain the necessary permits and licenses, including a billboard permit. Finally, promote your business, perhaps by creating a company website.

  6. What should I do if my billboard permit application is rejected? If your billboard permit application is rejected, it's important to understand why. You should take any feedback on board and modify your plan accordingly, then reapply. Don't be discouraged, as this is often a part of the process.

  7. Are there any potential issues or challenges I should be aware of when applying for a billboard permit? Potential issues can include local ordinances that restrict the size, location, or brightness of billboards. There may also be concerns from local residents or business owners. It's crucial to address these concerns in your application and be prepared to make changes to your plan if necessary.

  8. Can anyone apply for a billboard permit? Yes, anyone can apply for a billboard permit, but the specific requirements and regulations can vary greatly depending on your location. It's always a good idea to seek legal advice to ensure you're meeting all the necessary guidelines and requirements.

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